Jul 14, 2007

Meeting Date: 
Saturday, July 14, 2007

These minutes are also available in PDF format.


Steven Gentner gave an overview of the Microsoft Robotics Studio.  The studio includes a Robot programming language (a visual robot programming environment), a simulator and  DSS which provides communications between various services supporting the robot. Steven worked with Microsoft in making his Roborealm vision software (Roborealm) a service for the Microsoft studio.


Stevens summary was that the Robotics Studio has a lot of capability, but is quite complex and has a steep learning curve.  (aren’t all our robot projects ;-)

Lunch Break

We had a small demonstration of Sumo robot fighting during lunch break.  Two different sizes of ring were demonstrated.

Business meeting

Bruce reminded us that the club’s formal meeting (this one!) is held on the second Saturday of each month and that a second, less formal, meeting is held on the fourth Saturday.   He showed pictures of the web page for the new proposed RSSC forum which Brian Lojack has put together.  This forum is proposed to replace our current RSSC mail list which we share with the San Diego club.  Brian would appreciate suggestions for improvements including a list of subject areas.  He can be reached at Brian@lojack.com.

Upcoming contests will include:

September:  Sumo contest for slightly larger robots

October:      Hallway navigation contest

December:  the annual talent contest





Show and Tell

Bruce gave us a short discussion on how and why his robot, Leaf, managed to fall on its face.  He mentioned how the balance of a rather tall and top heavy robot may be at risk; and particularly how a robot which appears to have pretty good static stability (when standing still) can still fall forward when it stops quickly while moving at relatively high speed.











Jeff Dunker gave some more demonstration of his work with the VR stamp chip (Voice Recognition).  He showed how the chip is capable of responding to voice commands from a considerably distance….as long as the environment is quiet! 

















Martin Mason demonstrated two sizes of Sumo ring which we might use for next months contest.  



Steve Vorres gave a presentation on his Evolution 2 based robot with a video camera.  This robot won the electrical outlet finding contest last month.  He uses an actual video camcorder which provides better optics than most webcams and also has auto focus.